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The purpose of this website is to share content related to my research, professional, and hobby activities. Scroll down, or click one of the tabs above to read more.
Graduate Student in Mechanical Engineering
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The purpose of this website is to share content related to my research, professional, and hobby activities. Scroll down, or click one of the tabs above to read more.
I am a PhD student at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. My research group is the Solar Thermal Research Laboratory and I am currently working on a Solar-Side-Heat-Pump-Assisted-Domestic-Hot-Water System.
I am also an experienced sailing instructor with certifications from Sail Canada, Canada’s national governing body for the sport of sailing. I currently work as a Learning Facilitator and Instructor Evaluator to offer training courses and mentorship opportunities for both sailing instructors and coaches in the province of Ontario through Ontario Sailing, the sport’s provincial body.
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You can send me a message by clicking on the email link above until further notice. I will deactivate that email address and remove the link if spam becomes a problem.